Accessible Housing Schemes
Our Accessible Housing Schemes are purposely designed to provide a suitable home which will meet the specific needs of those with a disability by providing specific adaptations and disability equipment.
First Choice recognises that for those who have a disability, living independently is of paramount importance and by providing a home which contains specialist equipment within a purpose built layout, which can enable tenants to manage their daily living tasks easily, independently and safely.
First Choice Housing work closely with Local Authorities to identify suitable applicants from their specialist housing waiting lists. Once an applicant has been proposed, we work with Occupational Therapists to ensure that the property is designed to purposely fit the applicant’s specialist needs.
First Choice Housing can supply equipment like specialist baths, hoists, toilets, wet rooms/walk in showers, rise and fall kitchen units and sinks. Internally the rooms and doorways are designed with the proposed tenant in mind to ensure they are spacious, easily accessible and with suitable adaptations which will make life that much easier, especially for those who use a wheelchair.
First Choice provides supported living accommodation throughout Wales, Shropshire and Telford for a range of vulnerable clients. Support to those clients is provided by a range of domiciliary care providers, usually appointed by the local authority.
Find out more information on how to apply for a First Choice home here: