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Hate Crime: Don't Ignore it. Report it.

If you believe that you are a victim of a hate crime, please report it by calling 101.

Dial 999 if it's an emergency.

Os ydych yn credu eich bod yn dioddefwr o trosedd casineb, rhowch wybod amdano drwy ffonio 101 os gwelwch yn dda.

Ffoniwch 999 os yw’n argyfwng.

What is Hate Crime? | Beth yw Trosedd Casineb?

A hate crime is a crime against someone because of: Mae trosedd casineb yn drosedd yn erbyn rhywun oherwydd:

someone with a learning disability

Their disability or learning difficulty

Eu anabledd neu anhawster dysgu

Their race or the colour of their skin

Eu hil neu liw eu croen

Their religion or beliefs

Eu crefydd neu gredoau

Their choice to say they are male or female or transgender

Eu dewis i ddweud eu bod yn gwryw neu benyw neu’n drawsrywiol

Their sexuality - gay or straight or something else

Eu rhywioldeb – hoyw neu syth neu rhywbeth arall


Almost any type of crime can be a hate crime.

Gall bron unrhyw fath o drosedd fod yn drosedd casineb.

Hate crimes can include:

Gall troseddau casineb gynnwys:

Doing or saying things to hurt someone

Gwneud neu ddweud pethau i frifo rhywun

Damaging property Difrodi eiddo

Graffiti Graffiti

Setting fire to something on purpose

Cynnau tân i rhywbeth yn pwrpasol


Hate crime can also happen online - like on Facebook or Twitter

Gall troseddau casineb digwydd ar-lein hefyd – fel ar Facebook neu Twitter

Being different is not a crime

Nid yw bod yn wahanol yn drosedd

But if someone commits a crime against you because you are different, that is a crime.

Ond os bydd rhywun yn cyflawni trosedd yn eich erbyn oherwydd eich bod yn wahanol, mae hynny’n drosedd.


People who have suffered a hate crime

Pobl sydd wedi dioddef trosedd casineb

People who have suffered a hate crime can feel upset, hurt, or confused.

Gall pobl sydd wedi dioddef trosedd casineb deimlo’n cynhyrfu, brifo neu ddryslyd.

They can get support to help them deal with the situation.

Gallant gael cymorth i’w helpu i delio â’r sefyllfa.


Don’t ignore it. Report it. | Peidiwch a anwybyddu. Adroddwch amdano.

If no one stops hate crime, it can get worse and affect more people.

Os nad oes neb yn atal trosedd casineb, gall waethygu ac effeithio mwy o bobl.

If you report a hate crime, the police can do something about it.

Os ydych yn adroddiad trosedd casineb, gall yr heddlu wneud rhywbeth amdano.

The police take hate crime seriously. They will look into it fully.

Mae’r heddlu’n cymryd troseddau casineb o ddifrif.

Byddant yn edrych i mewn iddo yn llawn.


Confidential | Cyfrinachol

No information will be shared without your agreement.

Ni fydd unrhyw wybodaeth ei rhannu heb eich cytundeb.

You will be treated with respect.

Byddwch yn cael eich trin â pharch.


Punishment | Cosb

If someone commits a crime which is also a hate crime, they will get a bigger punishment.

Os bydd rhywun yn cyflawni trosedd sydd hefyd yn drosedd casineb, bydd yn cael mwy o gosb.


Support | Cefnogaeth

At First Choice, our housing officers are here to give support if you have been a victim of a hate crime.

Yn First Choice, mae ein swyddogion tai yma i rhoi cymorth os ydych wedi dioddef trosedd casineb.

The police will also have hate crime officers who will give you support.

Bydd gan yr heddlu hefyd swyddogion troseddau casineb a fydd yn rhoi cefnogaeth i chi.


How to report a hate crime | Sut i riportio trosedd casineb.

You can report a hate crime to the police by calling 101.

Gallwch riportio trosedd casineb i’r heddlu drwy ffonio 101.

You can also report it to FCHA at

Gallwch hefyd riportio i FCHA yn

South/Mid Wales - email Dave:

De/Canolbarth Cymru – e-bostiwch Dave:

North Wales, Shropshire or Telford - email Sarah:

Gogledd Cymru, Shropshire neu Telford - e-bostiwch Sarah:

Or phone us: 029 2070 3758

Neu ffoniwch ni: 029 2070 3758

In an emergency, always call 999

Mewn argyfwng, ffoniwch 999 bob amser


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First Choice Housing Association Ltd
10 Village Way, Greenmeadow Springs
CF15 7NE
Tel: (029) 20703758

Registered with Charitable Status under the Co-Operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 Number 26118R Registered with Senedd Cymru | Welsh Parliament under number J094 © First Choice Housing Association 2020 Designed in-house by our ICT team

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