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Fundraising: Movember

Some staff at FCHA have been raising money for our chosen charity by growing moustaches in November!

At the beginning some staff were already looking very stylish with their taches on show! Some of the staff were busy for the picture but rest assured they were keeping theirs well groomed during the month!

The FCHA boys in the first week of Movember.
The boys in the first week of growing moustaches.

We picked Sunday Circle Cardiff as our charity. They provide opportunities for teenagers and young adults with learning disabilities to socialise with their peers. They are currently fundraising for a new minibus as their old one has broke several months ago!

Thanks to the incredible and generous donations, we reached our goal in 2 days! A big thank you to everyone who donated at the time.

We increased the goal to 2000 and at the final week we raised

£1722 for Sunday Circle.

The FCHA boys in their final week of growing moustaches for Movember
This is what the boys looked like at the end of the month.

Which one of the boys would you like to keep their Moustache? Let us know!

You can donate at our Just Giving page. Just click here.


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